Why was born the 12 Allies Network?
1. The 12 Allies Network was founded on the basis of biblical values and principles to honor, first of all, my heavenly Father, Jehovah God, for giving me the opportunity to exist and having dignified myself in the person of his Son Jesus to be useful to him in the work of expanding the limits of his kingdom. And to my biological father, Mr. Félix Marte, who still inspires my spirit to finish my career in life with purposes for God, not only because of his wise advices and the values he instilled in me of love and respect to myself and others, but also because of that unwavering faith in the Creator, and who was providentially born on April 12, 1912.
2. To contribute to the improvement of the educational and spiritual quality of life of the children of the Dominican Republic, those who are in a state of vulnerability and with scarce resources, through reading and nourishing the only book that has the power not to only to inform, but to transform. And so with the help of God and the collaboration of volunteers to achieve community and positive development in the Dominican society.
3. Because it is fascinating to see how from the book of Genesis to Revelation, the number 12 is used by GOD with transcendental and specific meaning to fulfill his designs and purposes. Like, for example, the 12 Tribes of Israel, the 12 Governors of Solomon, the 12 Apostles of Jesus and for this reason, the foundation of the 12 is a project that, in addition to being a non-profit entity, is a project that expects to be, as Teresa of Calcutta would say, a small pencil of love in the hands of a writing God, and who is only writing a love letter to the world (in this case, the most vulnerable, children) socially disadvantaged people and with few resources.
- Family. Network of the 12 Allies.
- Parents of the members of the 12 Allies: Félix Marte and Marina Fernández de Marte.
- Rafael Marte, Chairman of the Board of the 12 Allies Network.
- Mrs. Marina Fernández de Marte.
- Martin Marte, younger brother of the 12 Allies Network, died at the age of six months due to cholera.
- Fernando Marte, older brother and Virgilio Marte, accompanied by Teresa Marte, Virgilio’s daughter.
Chairman of the Board
12 Allies Network, Inc.